MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) :#

  • A simple messaging protocol designed for constrained devices with low bandwidth.
  • A lightweight publish and subscribe system to publish and receive messages as a client.
  • A perfect solution for IOT applications, also allows to send commands to control outputs, read and publish data from sensor nodes.
  • Communication between several devices can be established simultaneously.

A general overview of how communication takes place within MQTT devices.

MQTT Client as a publisher sends a message to the MQTT broker whose work is to distribute the message accordingly to all other MQTT clients subscribed to the topic on which publisher publishes the message.

Topics are a way to register interest for incoming messages or to specify where to publish the message. Represented by strings, separated by forward slash. Each slash indicates a topic level.

MQTT configuration in Shunya#

MQTT broker urlMQTT broker url
UsernameMQTT broker username for security (optional)
PasswordMQTT broker password for security (optional)
Client IDUnique Identification of the client, user can put any name that is convenient.

The configurations need to be set manually by the user before using the API's

For example:

A sample JSON snippet should contain

"mqtt": {
"mqttBrokerUrl": "broker-url-here",
"mqttUsername": "mqtt-login-username",
"mqttPassword": "mqtt-login-password",
"mqttClientId": "user-defined-client-id"

Commonly configured parameters#

For example:

A typical mqtt configuration without security will look like this

"mqtt": {
"mqttBrokerUrl": "",
"mqttClientId": "shunya pi3",


newMqtt()Creates a new MQTT InstanceRead More
mqttConnect()Connects to given MQTT broker in the settingsRead More
mqttPublish()Publishes the data to the MQTT brokerRead More
mqttSubscribe()Subscribes to the given topic and callback can be used to run a user-defined function when the devices recieves a message from the topicRead More
mqttSetSubCallback()Set subscribe callback functionRead More
mqttDisconnect()Disconnects the MQTT BrokerRead More



Description : Creates a new MQTT Instance


  • name (char *) - Name of the JSON object.

Return-type : mqttObj

Returns : mqttObj Instance for MQTT

Usage :

For example: Lets say your /etc/shunya/config.json JSON file looks like

"mqttbroker1": {
"mqttBrokerUrl": "",
"mqttClientId": "shunya pi3",

So the usage of the API's will be

mqttObj broker1 = newMqtt("mqttbroker1");


Description: Connects to given MQTT broker with details given in the settings


  • *obj(mqttObj) - Pointer to the MQTT Instance.

Return-type : void

Usage :

/* Create New Instance */
mqttObj broker1 = newMqtt("mqttbroker1");
/* Connect to broker */
mqttConnect(&broker1) ;


Description: Publishes the data to the MQTT broker


  • *obj(mqttObj) - Pointer to the MQTT Instance.
  • *topic(char) - Topic the Message/data needs to be sent.
  • *fmt(const char) - Message/data that needs to be sent.

Return-type : void

Usage :

/* Create New Instance */
mqttObj broker1 = newMqtt("mqttbroker1");
/* Connect to broker */
mqttConnect(&broker1) ;
/* Publish to topic */
mqttPublish(&broker1, "topic","message %d", number) ;


Description: Subscribes to the given topic and callback can be used to run a user-defined function when the devices receive a message from the topic Parameters

  • *obj(mqttObj) - Pointer to the MQTT Instance.
  • *topic(char) - Topic the Message/data needs to be sent.

Return-type : void

Usage :

/* Create New Instance */
mqttObj broker1 = newMqtt("mqttbroker1");
/* Connect to broker */
mqttConnect(&broker1) ;
/* Subscribe to topic */
mqttSubscribe(&broker1, "test1") ;


Description: Set the subscribe callback function that executes the when the topic subscribed gets a message.

The Callback function arguments need to be in the specified format,

void callback(int topicLen, char *topic, int msgLen, char *message)

This format is used to pass the message received to the callback function.


  • *obj(mqttObj) - Pointer to the MQTT Instance.
  • callback (void *) - A callback function that will get called when the subscribed topic gets a message

Return-type : void

Usage :

/* Create New Instance */
mqttObj broker1 = newMqtt("mqttbroker1");
void callback(int topicLen, char *topic, int msgLen, char *message)
printf("Received Message is: %s", message);
mqttSetSubCallback(&broker1, callback);


Description: Disconnects the MQTT Broker


  • *obj(mqttObj) - Pointer to the MQTT Instance.

Return-type : void

Usage :

mqttDisconnect(&broker1) ;