The document is a continuation of the previous document, if you have landed directly on this page then, Please read from page Get started.
What is dbFlush component ?
dbFlush component is used to delete the face-embeddings database.
- Description : dbFlush() takes an input(through STDIN) as a file e.g. database.txt and and returns 1 if successfully deleted or return 0. Check Input and output parameters for details.
- Parameters :
- Input(Via STDIN) :
dbFlush.stdin() << jsonDoc2Text(inputJson) << std::endl;
- An inputJson String with following parameters:
- Parameter1 : string database filename
- An inputJson String with following parameters:
- Output(Via STDOUT) :
dbFlush.stdout() >> outputJson;
- An outputJson string with following contents
- 1 if deleted successfully 0 is unsuccessful deletion on database
- int requestID
- An outputJson string with following contents
- Input(Via STDIN) :
List of dbFlush features in shunya stack
- Delete database file.
Using dbFlush
Requirements to use dbFlush
- Shunya OS installed (supported Arm devices) or Shunya OS docker container (X86 based windows/linux devices)
- Shunya AI installed in Shunya OS.
Steps to use dbFlush
- Give database filename.
- Delete the database.
- Verify database deletion
Run the steps given below inside Shunya OS installed (supported Arm devices) or Shunya OS docker container (X86 based windows/linux devices) terminals.
Lets take an example use case: Say we need to
- Delete the database file
Steps are
Step 1: Give database filename.
Start with an ready to use template for aligning faces from image.
git clone https://gitlab.iotiot.in/shunya/products/shunya-ai-examples.git
cd shunya-ai-examples/indiv-componentsOpen the examples in a text editor and modify as per your usecase.
- For CPP you will find the examples in the folder
- Open the file
- Modify the line to set the name the database file
/* Creating inputJson */
rapidjson::Document inputJson;
/* Replace file.txt with your database file name */
/* Adding parameter1 in inputJson file */
inputJson.AddMember("fname", "file.txt", inputJson.GetAllocator());- For CPP you will find the examples in the folder
Step 2. Call API binary
- We will now call API binary by giving input image(parameter1) and face info(parameter2) as an input through STDIN.
/* Call API binary */
subprocess::popen dbFlush("/usr/bin/dbFlush", {});
/* Passing inputJson to the API */
dbFlush.stdin() << jsonDoc2Text(inputJson) << std::endl;
std::string outputJson;
/* Getting output in outputJson */
dbFlush.stdout() >> outputJson; - You will get output in outputJson string.
Step 3. Verify database deletion
- Code to print the json output, got from dbFlush API.
/* ---- Parse outputJson ---- */
rapidjson::Document dbFlushJson = readJsonString(outputJson);
int res1 = dbFlushJson["data"]["success"].GetInt();
if(res1==1) {
std::cout<<"\nDB cleared";
} else {
std::cout<<"\nDB not cleared";
Run ready to use example.
- Once you are done editing, save and run the code, by running.
git clone https://gitlab.iotiot.in/shunya/products/shunya-ai-examples.git
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ../
Running the codes will print the JSON output on the terminal (to STDOUT).
For Example:
Lets say the input image is
Input JSON is
"fname": "file.txt"
}Then the JSON output is
"apiVersion": "1.2.0",
"requestId": 1606318527,
"data": {
"success": 1
This part is not updated yet (please do not use below example)
Understand this component with an example (ready to use code)
This is an example for face-recognition and here we will be using 5 components: detectFaces, alignFace, getEmbeddings, sameFace, dbFlush
Check this ready to use example in c++ and python
Download the code
git clone https://gitlab.iotiot.in/shunya/products/shunya-ai-examples.git
cd shunya-ai-examples/cpp-examples/face-recognition```shell git clone https://gitlab.iotiot.in/shunya/products/shunya-ai-examples.git cd shunya-ai-examples/python-examples/face-recognition ```In this folder there is a file, same_face.cpp or same_face.py
detectFaces Components used
subprocess::popen detectFaces("/usr/bin/detectFaces", {});
```shell detectFaces = Popen(['/usr/bin/detectFaces'], stdout=PIPE, stdin=PIPE) ```alignFace component used
subprocess::popen alignFace("/usr/bin/alignFace", {});
```shell alignFace = Popen(['/usr/bin/alignFace'], stdout=PIPE, stdin=PIPE) ```getEmbeddings component used
subprocess::popen getEmbeddings("/usr/bin/getEmbeddings", {});
```shell getEmbeddings = Popen(['/usr/bin/getEmbeddings'], stdout=PIPE, stdin=PIPE) ```sameFace component used
subprocess::popen sameFace("/usr/bin/sameFace", {});
```shell sameFace = Popen(['/usr/bin/sameFace'], stdout=PIPE, stdin=PIPE) ```dbFlush component used
subprocess::popen dbFlush("/usr/bin/dbFlush", {});
```shell dbFlush = Popen(['/usr/bin/dbFlush'], stdout=PIPE, stdin=PIPE) ```Run code by yourself
- You will get "Same faces" and "DB cleared" as an output.mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. && make
./sameFaceCpp```shell python3 same_face.py ```