SMS Component

SMS Alerts

The SMS alerts are sent using Twilio online SMS service. Internally the Shunya interfaces send HTTP requests to the Twilio cloud to send the Whatsapp or SMS messages.

The SMS alerts can be sent using

  1. Twilio
  2. SMSGupShup (API's Comming soon)

Twilio configuration in Shunya

Account SIDAccount SID from the Twilio console
Auth TokenAuthorization Token from the Twilio console.

The configurations need to be set manually by the user before using the API's

For example:

A sample JSON snippet should contain

"twilio": {
"account sid": "",
"auth token": "",

Commonly configured parameters

For example:

A typical Twilio configuration will look like this

"twilio": {
"account sid": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"auth token": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",


newTwilio()Create new Twilio Instance.Read More
sendWhatsappTwilio()Send Whatsapp Message via Twilio API.Read More


Description : Creates a new Twilio Instance


  • name (char *) - Name of the JSON object.

Return-type : twilioObj

Returns : twilioObj Instance for Twilio

Usage :

For example: Lets say your JSON file looks like

"twilio1": {
"account sid": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"auth token": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",

So the usage of the API's will be

twilioObj whatsapp = newTwilio("twilio1");


Description: Send SMS Message via Twilio API.


  • obj(twilioObj) - the Twilio Instance Object.
  • from_number(int) - the sending (Number in your Twilio account).
  • to_number(int) - the Receiving mobile number.
  • msg(char *) - the msg to be sent.

Return-type : int8_t

Returns: 0 on Success and -1 on Failure.

Usage :

twilioObj whatsapp = newTwilio("twilio1");
"Temperature is above %d deg C", temp);