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The document is a continuation of the previous document, if you have landed directly on this page then, Please read from page Get started.

What is AWS IoT?

AWS IoT core is an AWS Cloud service that allows IoT devices to send data to AWS services and receive data from the AWS services.

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List of AWS IoT features implemented in Shunya stack

With Shunya stack you can make IoT device to act as a MQTT client i.e you can

  1. Send data to AWS IoT service.
  2. Receive messages from AWS IoT service.

Using AWS IoT Shunya stack

Requirements to use AWS IoT Shunya stack

  1. Shunya OS installed (supported Arm devices) or Shunya OS docker container (X86 based windows/linux devices)
  2. AWS account.

Steps to use AWS IoT Shunya stack

  1. Register your IoT Device to AWS IoT Core Service (one time setup)
  2. Set AWS IoT settings in Shunya.
  3. Send data to AWS IoT Service.
  4. Receive messages from AWS IoT Service.

Step 1: Register an IoT Device in AWS IoT Service

Only AWS IoT core registered devices can connect to AWS, Hence lets register and get unique device credentials for each device.

Steps are:

  1. Open your browser an Login into your AWS Account.

  2. Goto AWS IoT Core service.

    Oops!, No Image to display.
  3. Create a AWS IoT Policy.

    Oops!, No Image to display.Oops!, No Image to display.
  4. Register an IoT Device.

    Oops!, No Image to display.Oops!, No Image to display.
  5. Download the certificates.

    Oops!, No Image to display.

    You will have to download 4 certificates

    1. Certificate for IoT device
    2. Public Key
    3. Private Key
    4. Amazon Root CA

    All 4 certificates are essential for connecting to AWS IoT Service. Failing to download any one of of the certificate will cause error in the program.

  6. Store the certificates on the IoT Device


    Manually copy the certificates into the IoT device via either SD card or via SCP or FTP.

  7. Link the AWS IoT Policy to the Registered Device.

    Oops!, No Image to display.

Step 2: Set AWS IoT settings in Shunya.

Set AWS IoT details, by editing the config file /etc/shunya/config.json inside Shunya OS.

A simple configuration should contain these parameters.

awsMqttEndpointAWS endpoint
awsMqttPortAWS connection port, usually it is 443, 8883 incase 443 is blocked by company proxy
awsMqttCertDirDirectory where you have stored all 4 of the AWS certificates.
awsMqttClientCertName of the Certificate of the IoT device.
awsMqttPrivKeyName of the Private Key of the IoT device.
awsMqttRootCertName of the Amazon Root CA of the IoT device.
awsMqttClientIdUnique Identification of the client, user can put any name that is convenient.

Example configuration:

Writing the below json in /etc/shunya/config.json file, will tell the Shunya stack to connect to AWS IoT service.

"awsSettings": {
"awsMqttEndpoint": "",
"awsMqttPort": 8883,
"awsMqttCertDir": "../certs/",
"awsMqttRootCert": "AmazonRootCA1.pem",
"awsMqttClientCert": "c0109d3db9-certificate.pem.crt",
"awsMqttPrivKey": "c0109d3db9-private.pem.key",
"awsMqttClientId": "rpi-test-23"

Certificate directory path has to be relative from the directory where your program is running.

Note: Passing absolute path will cause Errors. An absolute path is /home/shunya and a relative path will be ./../shunya.

Step 3: Send data to AWS IoT Service

Let's take an example use case: Say we need to

  • Read data from the temperature sensor connected to Shunya and,
  • Send the data to topic "temp".

Steps are :

  1. Start with an ready to use template for sending messages via MQTT

    git clone
    cd examples/demo-examples/send-data-to-aws
  2. Open the aws_example.c in an text editor and modify as per your use case.

  3. For our example, we need to first get the temperature data, add the code in your main() function

    float temperature = 76.98; /* For now lets assume that the temperature is 76.89 Celsius*/
  4. Sending temperature data to topic, modify the code

    float temperature = 76.98; /* For now lets assume that the temperature is 76.89 Celsius*/

    /* Create AWS IoT instance */
    awsObj test = newAws("awsSettings"); /* Argument = JSON Title, Load settings from JSON file */

    /* Connect to AWS IoT Core */

    /* Send data to AWS IoT core */
    awsPublishMqtt(&test, "temp", "%.2f C", temperature);

    awsDisconnectMqtt(&test); /* Disconnect AWS IoT */
  5. Once you are done editing, save and compile the code , by running

    mkdir build && cd build
    cmake ../
  6. Run the code

    sudo ./aws_example
  7. More examples to send messages to AWS IoT using shunya stack

    For sending JSON, change code in step 4. with the example given below.

    char json[1024] = "{ "temp": 78.9, "sensor_name": "BME280" }";

    /* Send a json to topic "temp" via AWS IoT core*/
    awsPublishMqtt(&test, "temp", "%s", json);

Step 3: Receiving messages via MQTT

Let's take an example use case: Say we need to

  • Receive the temperature data from the "temp" topic
  • Print the temperature data to a file when the message is received.

Steps are :

  1. Start with an ready to use template for receiving messages from AWS IoT Core

    git clone
    cd examples/demo-examples/send-data-to-aws
  2. Open the aws_example.c in an text editor and modify as per your use case.

  3. For our example, we need to first edit the code to store the received message to at file.

    Add the code to print to a file in processMessages() function

    void processMessages (int topicLen, char *topic, int msgLen, char *msg)
    /* For now lets print the message.*/
    printf("Received message\n\tFrom Topic: %s,\n\t Message: %s", topic, msg);

    /* Print the message to a file */
    FILE *file;
    file = fopen("database", "r");
    if (file != NULL) {
    fprintf(file, "%s\n", msg);
  4. Now lets subscribe to the topic "temp", so we can start receiving messages

    /* Create AWS IoT instance */
    awsObj test = newAws("awsSettings"); /* Argument = JSON Title, Load settings from JSON file */

    /* Connect to AWS IoT Core */

    /* Send all the messages received to our processing function */
    awsSetSubCallbackMqtt(&test, processMessages);

    /* Send data to AWS IoT core */
    awsSubscribeMqtt(&test, "temp");

    awsDisconnectMqtt(&test); /* Disconnect AWS IoT */
  5. Once you are done editing, save and compile the code , by running

    mkdir build && cd build
    cmake ../
  6. Run the code

    sudo ./aws_example
  7. More examples on receiving messages via MQTT shunya stack

    For sending multiple variables, change code in step 4. with the example given below.

    void processMessages (int topicLen, char *topic, int msgLen, char *msg)
    /* Parse JSON message using rapidjson */
    rapidjson::Document jsonMsg;



Understand this component with an example (ready to use code)

Let's take an example use case: Say we need to

  • Subscribe to the topic "devices/instructions" and Turn on LED when we receive the message "LED".
  • Publish "LED" to the topic "devices/instructions".
  • Here we will be using both Publish and Subscribe features of MQTT.

Steps are :

  1. Start with an ready to use template for MQTT

    git clone
    cd examples/full-examples/aws
  2. Open the aws-example.c in an text editor and modify as per your use case.

  3. For our example, we need to first load the AWS MQTT settings, add the highlighted code in your main() function

    /* Create a mqtt object */
    awsObj test = newAws("awsSettings"); /* Argument = JSON Title */
  4. Connect to the MQTT broker, add the highlighted code in your main() function

    /* Connect to broker */
  5. Register the message processing function, add the highlighted code in your main() function

    /* Send all the messages received to our processing function */
    mqttSetSubCallback(&mqttBroker, processMessages);
  6. Process all the received messages and take action when message LED is received at topic "devices/instructions" ,

    /* This function will get called everytime the Subscribed Topic receives a message */
    void processMessages (int topicLen, char *topic, int msgLen, char *msg)
    /* Check if the message recevied is from topic "devices/instructions" */
    if (strncmp(topic, "devices/instructions", strlen("devices/instructions")) == 0) {
    /* Check if the message received is LED */
    if (strncmp(msg, "LED", strlen("LED")) == 0) {
    /* Turn ON LED */
    setLed(40, ON); /* Turn on LED */
    } else {
    setLed(40, OFF); /* Turn off LED */
    } else {
    setLed(40, OFF); /* Turn off LED */
  7. Subscribe to the topic "devices/instructions" ,

    /* Receive messages from topic "devices/instructions" via MQTT*/
    mqttSubscribe(&mqttBroker, "devices/instructions");
  8. Publish "LED" to the topic "devices/instructions" ,

    /* Send a message to topic "devices/instructions" via MQTT*/
    mqttPublish(&mqttBroker, "devices/instructions", "LED");
  9. Once all the operations are done for MQTT, disconnect from the broker at the end,

    mqttDisconnect(&mqttBroker); /* Disconnect from MQTT broker */
  10. Once you are done editing, save and compile the code , by running

    mkdir build && cd build
    cmake ../
  11. Run the code

    sudo ./mqtt-example.c

Facing errors with the component?